Monday, June 24, 2013

The Ongoing Adventures of GUALA

Hello GUALA friends,

so far it has been 2 days and 3 nights since the GUALA Alumni Leaders arrived to Washington D.C.  Everyday we learn new things that prepare us to become better mentors, better leaders, but above all better people.

Given the short amount of time, I feel that as a group we have bonded extremely well and we still have another two-thirds to go. Everyone is supportive of each other and we compliment our work.

Below you will find two pictures that I would like to share with you.

The GUALA Alumni Leaders absorbing information like a sponge
Throughout the day we participated in a few workshops and as you can see, everyone is engaged by asking question and participating. We learned about how bills become laws and steps we could take to have a say in these bills.

White House
We also got the opportunity to visit a few landmarks. Tonight I got the opportunity to see the White House and my peers and I agreed that it is a beautiful place.

Another activity that challenged us was our Yoga session. We stretched like never before and learned some techniques to relieve stress. What I will always remember from this session is when the instructor share her story about her personal life. Her moral to us was to always give back, which matches perfectly with the purpose of the training. All 30 of us are excited to implement everything we have learned to our communities and be part of a positive change.

Stay tuned for all of our future adventures. For now, I really have to get to bed and rest my legs after the Yoga session level ultimate. See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you the schedule Judy created for you included time for seeing DC. I never take for granted the beauty of our great city!
