Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 5

Good evening!

Well, what can I say? I am just so thankful to be here! I have had such an amazing experience here in D.C! Today, we went to the White House, The Department of Education, The National Museum of Native American History, and we got to eat some yummy pizza at We, The Pizza! I never thought in my life time I would in D.C much less in all these important buildings with such powerful people.

Today @GUALA has taught me that I can do anything I want in my life! If I set my mind, I can achieve! Thank you!!!

We were able to meet with some members of the Obama administration. They spoke to us, reminding us that he does care about Education. His staff was very friendly and kind.

We had lunch with all the amazing people that work for GEAR UP at the Department of Education. I was able to advocate for my State. We had a round table discussion over what we need to improve and what has been working in each one of our States.

We had the amazing privileged of getting to go to the Native American Museum. We took a highlight tour of the museum. There we were able to see how much history and culture there is within this amazing community.

We, The pizza was my favorite part. No, it was not just for the food. We got to meet some pretty amazing young individuals that worked in the White House. We got to speak to them over dinner and they mentored us. They gave us advise on what to do if we were interested in interning.

Once again, I want to thank GEAR UP and NCCEP for allowing me to have this amazing opportunity! I know once I get back to my home state I will be making a huge difference within my GEAR UP community. I know I will be better leader thanks to their amazing workshops!


Stephani Ruiz
Nevada State GEAR UP

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