Saturday, July 27, 2013

NCCEP/GEAR UP Youth Congress 2013

When the wonderful Diane Charles wrote to the GUALAs before our DC training to let us know of the opportunity to volunteer this summer at NCCEP’s Annual Conference I did not think twice about taking the opportunity. However, it did take me a while to submit my application because of my schedule, but I did it just on time. When I was made aware that I would be assisting NCCEP and the GEAR UP for Excellence team at the NCCEP/GEAR UP Youth Congress I was excited about the opportunity but I did not realize how much of an impact it was going to have on me.

The training from Justin and Greg from GEAR UP for Excellence was great as always and the students were amazing. It is surreal that only 3 days of interaction impacted me so much. Seeing the Youth Congress literally break through fears like public speaking and at the end of the 3 days be on a stage in front of approximately 1,700 GEAR UP professionals presenting their ideas was probably the most rewarding experience of the whole conference. As GUALA Alumni leaders we seek to empower the next generation to believe in the greatness that is inside of them so that they can do the same for their peers back home and create change. It was pretty amazing seeing their greatness radiate throughout the ballroom as they presented.

Another thing that impacted me was when the GUALAs got to share our experience with GEAR UP to the GEAR UPs from around the country and the feedback that I received from individuals from different GEAR UP programs was amazing because their words showed that the GUALAs' collective efforts in making a positive change in education policy for younger generations does not go unnoticed. Their words showed that together we are creating change little by little.

All in all, I grew from this experience just like the rest of Youth Congress. Thank you NCCEP and GEAR UP for giving me the opportunity to add more tools to my tool belt and for reiterating what Margaret Mead once said: 
‎"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Some of the GEAR UP Alumni Leadership Academy Alumni Leaders with 
Nathan R. Monell (NCCEP's President & CEO) and Judy Martinez (GUALA Program Manager) before panel. 

If you want to see what happened at youth congress click here! → AWESOMENESS

Keep inspiring y'all,

The Power of Youth...

Last week, July 14-17, 10 of our 30 GUALAs were allowed the chance to experience a powerful leadership conference known as Youth Congress, along with 76 high school students from across the country!!

I'd have to say, again, the opportunity was one of a lifetime. I thought it was amazing to come together with 29 other alumni who shared similar experiences and feelings for GEAR UP, but to see 76 high school students come together with that same passion was unlike any other. During the sessions, students were exposed to quality teaching that involved showing gratitude, overcoming fears, and sharing ideas on topics such as Support, Dreams, Action, and Success...among a time of networking, developing friendships, and advocacy. I am so grateful to see the works of this program and the students that it serves! Below is a link to photos and other information about GEAR UP and Youth Congress. Please take some time to check out what WE are ALL about!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Nat'l GU Conference, Youth Congress, and Stories

Ten GUALA members embarked on a mission to attend the 2013 National NCCEP/GEAR UP Conference in San Francisco, California, and help with the Youth Congress.  The Youth Congress consisted of about 74 GEAR UP high school students from across the country.  Greg and Justin, the Youth Congress leaders from GEAR UP for Excellence, asked the 10 GUALA members to serve as leaders for the Youth Congress and help facilitate activities.  We accepted this mission.

Not only did we accept this mission, we accepted it full of excitement and with no hesitation.  The young people in Youth Congress served as an inspiration to us, and a reminder of who we once were and who we hope to inspire by becoming leaders in our GEAR UP communities.  Getting to know the students and participating in activities with them was the highlight of the conference.

A great opportunity for us was to speak in front of all the conference attendees, including the youth, and tell our stories.  I hope that our words inspired the Youth Congress, and that some of them go home thinking, “I want to be a teacher, just like TNT.”  Or, “I want to be as funny as Daisy, and make people laugh for days.”  Each of us on stage had a unique story and a unique personality that I hope inspired someone in the audience. 

I could go on and on about every exciting moment (and I plan on journaling about it later), but the minute details still wouldn’t give a complete picture of our amazing experience.  Granted, nothing could top the week with all of the GUALA members in Washington DC, but it was a great week nonetheless.  Although spending time with 9 other GUALA members was so great, the other 20 were missed!  Perhaps a reunion will happen in the future ;)  Regardless of whether we meet again soon or not, a family has been built that will take GEAR UP by storm for the next year.  Even beyond the next year, the people who make up the 2013-14 GUALA family will continue to leave their mark on the world.  Each and every one of you inspires me, and I am grateful beyond measure to know you.

Friday, July 12, 2013

GEAR UP Galore!

Hello GUALAs and GEAR UP world!!

I miss you all so much and have been so busy lately! I recently returned from Louisiana's Summer Institute, which is a week long training for school admins and Explorer's Club sponsors on establishing and building a successful organization. I gave a presentation on my experience at our Alumni Leadership Training in DC. It was great! I've attached a couple of links below so that you all can see how my state is working for GEAR UP. Looking forward to continuing our work this year! And can't wait to see some of you in San Fran!



Thursday, July 11, 2013

Nathan Monell's comments at the Pinning Ceremony

Lily Tomlin said, “I always wanted to be somebody, I should have been more specific.”
When you all started engaging with GEAR UP in middle school, I am sure that many of you did not imagine yourself here today. Grabbing every opportunity that came your way, you used the GEAR UP program as a launching pad for more than you dreamed was possible. 

One of the most famous interview questions is “Where would you like to be in five year?” My answer has always been, “Hopefully someplace that I cannot imagine from here.” 

Some of you want to be politicians, some educators, some researchers, some accountants, and others still exploring options. I hope this week gives you insight into not only your dream career but how you will be a citizen of the world. Given all that you have been given, how should you then live?

We certainly hope that you will be a committed voice. As Jesus (Rodriguez) said, “As long as I have a pen, as long as I have a voice, I will speak out for GEAR UP.”
We also hope that you will never let anything or anyone take you off your path.
We also hope that you will dream bigger than you can imagine now.It took courage to get this far. No one should underestimate that or take that for granted. As one of the foster youth I used to work with said,“I don’t think anyone ever understands what it has cost me to overcome my challenges. While everyone is pushing for all of us to go to college, some days you should just be glad that we are still alive.”

So, congratulations on getting this far. For some of you it was an accomplishment to graduate from high school. For others, entering college this fall still has real challenges. Some of you have struggled with finances. Some of you have struggled academically. Some of your parents did not know how to be supportive. Some of you have felt at times like you were out of place at college. And yet you persisted. 

Your courage to persist will inspire others because courage is contagious.You have been courageous because you have never let anyone define you but your own actions.
You have been courageous in public and sometimes you have been courageous in the quiet moment of failure or loss when you say tomorrow is another day. 

I know for sure that the opportunities that life sends you will either shrink or expand in proportion to your courage. 

So if you always wanted to be somebody, I can tell you that you are. I applaud the way you have taken DC by storm with your testimony to Congress, White House officials, Department of Education leadership, the NCCEP staff and one another.

Tonight we pin you as one of the inaugural class of GUALA, a group of co-conspirators we hope will continue to impact each other and GEAR UP for decades to come.  

Wear these pins proudly. Know that courage brought you here. Be determined that you will never settle for anything less than decisions that lead to honorable outcomes. Then you will have true and lasting success.

Nathan Monell
President & CEO
National Council for Community and Education Partnerships

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Memorable - That's all I can say!

Hello Leaders!

I wanted to share some of my overall thoughts and during my time in Washington D.C.! First off, I want to mention what an amazing and uplifting experience it was being there. I couldn't be happier that my first trip to Washington D.C. was shared with 29 other GUALA members who all come from very different backgrounds, different stories and different personalities. However, the one very important thing that we all had in common was the drive to succeed in different aspects of our lives.

Being so willing to share with one another our struggles of poverty, loss, family hardships, and academic obstacles we faced during our youth was not only courageous but also enlightening and, for me personally, has re-instilled hope in mankind. It's so very easy to get caught up in our daily lives with work, school, and other responsibilities but hearing such inspirational stories and witnessing 30 individuals overcome such obstacles and now pursue amazing accomplishments in their lives has reassured me that there is hope for our future leaders!

My experience in Washington D.C. has not only helped me realize the importance of giving back to our communities and continue working with our Gear UP programs, but also has inspired me be comfortable with sharing my story with those who might be going through the same hardships or even very different ones.

At the end of the day, the message to take away from experience is that everyone can find a strong, cohesive support system; whether that might be family, close friends, mentors, or even, other Gear UP Aluminis. I was very lucky to be apart of this academy and can proudly represent the symbol of COURAGE.

More importantly, I will always have the support system I need to continue mentoring and motivate future leaders knowing that there are 29 other courageous individuals across the nation doing the same!

Thank you all for such an amazing experience and thank you all for allowing me to be apart of your story!  

 Maysoun Chawiche