Thursday, July 11, 2013

Nathan Monell's comments at the Pinning Ceremony

Lily Tomlin said, “I always wanted to be somebody, I should have been more specific.”
When you all started engaging with GEAR UP in middle school, I am sure that many of you did not imagine yourself here today. Grabbing every opportunity that came your way, you used the GEAR UP program as a launching pad for more than you dreamed was possible. 

One of the most famous interview questions is “Where would you like to be in five year?” My answer has always been, “Hopefully someplace that I cannot imagine from here.” 

Some of you want to be politicians, some educators, some researchers, some accountants, and others still exploring options. I hope this week gives you insight into not only your dream career but how you will be a citizen of the world. Given all that you have been given, how should you then live?

We certainly hope that you will be a committed voice. As Jesus (Rodriguez) said, “As long as I have a pen, as long as I have a voice, I will speak out for GEAR UP.”
We also hope that you will never let anything or anyone take you off your path.
We also hope that you will dream bigger than you can imagine now.It took courage to get this far. No one should underestimate that or take that for granted. As one of the foster youth I used to work with said,“I don’t think anyone ever understands what it has cost me to overcome my challenges. While everyone is pushing for all of us to go to college, some days you should just be glad that we are still alive.”

So, congratulations on getting this far. For some of you it was an accomplishment to graduate from high school. For others, entering college this fall still has real challenges. Some of you have struggled with finances. Some of you have struggled academically. Some of your parents did not know how to be supportive. Some of you have felt at times like you were out of place at college. And yet you persisted. 

Your courage to persist will inspire others because courage is contagious.You have been courageous because you have never let anyone define you but your own actions.
You have been courageous in public and sometimes you have been courageous in the quiet moment of failure or loss when you say tomorrow is another day. 

I know for sure that the opportunities that life sends you will either shrink or expand in proportion to your courage. 

So if you always wanted to be somebody, I can tell you that you are. I applaud the way you have taken DC by storm with your testimony to Congress, White House officials, Department of Education leadership, the NCCEP staff and one another.

Tonight we pin you as one of the inaugural class of GUALA, a group of co-conspirators we hope will continue to impact each other and GEAR UP for decades to come.  

Wear these pins proudly. Know that courage brought you here. Be determined that you will never settle for anything less than decisions that lead to honorable outcomes. Then you will have true and lasting success.

Nathan Monell
President & CEO
National Council for Community and Education Partnerships

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