Friday, January 31, 2014

For my Leaders! :)

I think the hardest part about writing is often coming up with a topic to write about!  Many times, I simply wait until something hits me (often in the middle of the night) and take a second to write the thought down and try to develop it while I’m on a roll!  This time around, I actually developed my topic as the new semester started. 
 Two of the classes I am taking, Change Theory and Organizational Theory in Higher Education, focus on the many aspects of leadership.  Something that has struck me in the first few weeks of these courses is how much a leader can affect an environment.  Leadership is not an easy task.  Leaders are responsible for many people; often the livelihood and productiveness of people falls under a leader.  A leader cannot simply walk in and expect people to work.  Creating a productive environment demands creating a culture of productiveness.  Not only is a leader responsible for the culture of a working environment, but they are also responsible for the overall productiveness in a global environment.  If the leader causes an organization to fall, it will affect everyone employed there and everyone connected to the organization.  Leadership is no small act.  Leadership is a skill we have to work on and cultivate EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Leadership is more than good words and encouragement; leadership is action.
Many types of leadership exist.  We may find ourselves in a top-down model or in a model that involves everyone and is more horizontal than vertical.  Whatever the case may be, we have to understand our own leadership style and make an effort to continually improve it.  The Myers-Briggs Personality Test and the Strengths Finder are popular tools to identify our personality and strengths in an effort to capitalize on them, while also understanding where we fall short.  Often, leaders surround themselves with people who have skills they may lack (a smart move, in my opinion).
So why this long talk about leadership?  Well, the GEAR UP Alumni Leadership Academy (GUALA) is an area where the GEAR UP program finds, cultivates, and produces leaders.  GUALA produces leaders who participate in grassroots advocacy and give back to their GEAR UP communities.  I think GEAR UP did an amazing job of finding these leaders; I can’t say I’ve been in a room with more inspirational leaders or in a program that cultivates leadership quite like GUALA has.  Not only did we spend a week in Washington D.C. learning about leadership, but we have now spent eight months out in the field. We are living out the actions we talked about during that week and continue to talk about during monthly Google Hangouts. 
But let’s be honest.  There are days when that week in D.C. seems soooooooo incredibly far away.  There are days when we become discouraged in our own daily trials and forget that we are leaders.  It happens.
Despite these downs, there are current GEAR UP students whose lives we are working to make better.  They are the reason we became leaders.  Maybe it doesn’t always feel like it, but there are GEAR UP students who see your face or hear your name and become inspired.  There are GEAR UP students in your state/city/alma mater who hear your name and a sort of reverence falls over them.  Students aspire to one day be JUST LIKE YOU!  And THAT is the reason we are leaders. 
The day-to-day grind can be dull and monotonous.  The endless emails, phone calls, good plans, and failed plans can be discouraging.  Nevertheless, at the end of the day, if you have inspired someone, you have succeeded.  GEAR UP changed our lives, and we work to change the lives of GEAR UP students after us.  We work to cultivate our leadership so that students like us have a fighting chance in this world. 
So find the leader in you again.  Re-read your strength finder results.  Take the Myers-Briggs.  Read about how to be a better leader and cultivate your skills, because those students are looking to us.  Our successes will make a difference for GEAR UP communities across the nation.  Perhaps we can change the mind of that one Senator or Congressman. Perhaps GEAR UP funding will increase slightly.  Perhaps that student who is growing up just like you did will receive services and have a chance to become as successful as you are.  

Keep on striving GUALA’s! You are making a difference!

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Here are some small reminders to inspire :) --

 Working hard a balancing... WHILE posing ;)


 Leaders in action!! Our day on the Hill.

Night with the White House Fellows -- Three of my biggest inspirations!

 What whaaaat!!! <3 this girl & the Silver State!! 

--Thank you all for being you :)

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